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Why Was my Commuter Parking Card Declined?


The Commuter Parking Card may be used to pay for parking as part of your daily commute. This article contains information about the most common reasons your Commuter Parking Card could be declined when making a purchase.

Reasons for Card Decline

If your card is declined when attempting to make a purchase, Luum will send an email to your work email address with a reason for the failed transaction. The most common reasons for a Commuter Parking Card being declined are explained below, along with suggested troubleshooting steps. 

  • Card has not been activated: Your card must be activated in order to make purchases. Follow these instructions to activate your card.
  • Card has expired: If your card has expired and you have not received a new card, please follow these instructions on log onto your employer's commute website to verify the delivery address and request a replacement card. 
  • Invalid expiration date was used: Please ensure you are using the expiration date listed on your virtual or physical Commuter Parking Card.
  • Invalid CVV was used: Please ensure you are using the CVV listed on your virtual or physical Commuter Parking Card. If you have a physical Commuter Parking Card, the CVV is listed on the back.
  • Invalid zip code was used: Please ensure you are using your employer's zip code, which can be found on the Commuter Cards page of your employer's commute website.
  • Spending restriction enforced on your Commuter Parking Card by your organization: Your Commuter Parking Card may only be used for qualified parking purchases. If you are attempting to purchase qualified parking products and your card continues to be declined, please reach out to [email protected]
  • The transaction amount exceeded your available balance: If your card balance is too low to cover your purchase, the transaction will be declined. You can follow these instructions to check your balance. You may need to increase your election amounts going forward, which can be done from the 1st-15th of the month.
  • Cash withdrawal is not allowed for this card: Your Commuter Parking Card cannot be used to withdraw cash.

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